RCBot 2 for Windows and Linux (TF2, HL2:DM, DOD:S) v1.00 r473 |
RCBot 2 for Windows and Linux (TF2, HL2:DM, DOD:S) v1.00 r473 |
Nightc0re |
Oct 27 2015, 10:56 AM
Advanced Member Group: Moderator Posts: 58 Joined: 10-July 15 From: Austria Member No.: 2,397 |
Thank you for your work nightcore Waypoints and Profiles are working. Sorry I hadn't time to test it till now (also busy at work =( ) BUT: Server still crashes if someone is leaving (disconnecting) and a bot has to replace him. Here is the core dump: I cannot reproduce your bug, but I tried to fix it. Please test this version. Please edit your rcbot2.vdf file, so that it is using the "Debug version". If you are using the "Release version" it is very hard for me to debug this problem. Your rcbot2.vdf file should look like this: QUOTE "Metamod Plugin" { "alias" "rcbot2" "file" "addons/rcbot2/bin/RCBot2MetaDebug" "rcbot2path" "addons/rcbot2/" } Plans on integrating the latest SVN build? 474 has some good changes You can get the new release here. |
n0nnie |
Nov 4 2015, 12:54 PM
Member Group: Members Posts: 35 Joined: 27-October 14 Member No.: 2,361 |
QUOTE I cannot reproduce your bug, but I tried to fix it. Please test this version. Please edit your rcbot2.vdf file, so that it is using the "Debug version". If you are using the "Release version" it is very hard for me to debug this problem. New crash, same procedure: Server crashes as soon as someone is leaving a team or the server http://www.uhu-minecraft.de/core |
vintage |
Nov 8 2015, 09:40 PM
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 2 Joined: 27-October 15 Member No.: 2,417 |
Same problem here...
But I have no access to startup commands lines (provider). So impossible to launch debug mod. Server runs ok but changing team or random time server is crashing... Best time was 30 minutes.... Because those bots are realy awesome as metamod plugin... Thks so many times for yor job ! Hope you'll find a stable version ! All are waiting for ! Not to have server full but to have fun with those really cheating guys-bots ! They camp, throw grenades, take flags ! hohohoho Really cool to play DoD:S with ! Another time thks for @ll ! NB: changing profiles seems to give more stability to server... 'a little time' Our server is linux based. Debian 7 |
Nightc0re |
Nov 10 2015, 08:33 AM
Advanced Member Group: Moderator Posts: 58 Joined: 10-July 15 From: Austria Member No.: 2,397 |
New crash, same procedure: Server crashes as soon as someone is leaving a team or the server I've already looked into this problem (it's the same by the way). I will try to make a more verbose version of this function, so I can clearly see where it is crashing. Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your problem, therefore I completely rely on your feedback |
vintage |
Nov 10 2015, 03:43 PM
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 2 Joined: 27-October 15 Member No.: 2,417 |
Same problem here... But I have no access to startup commands lines (provider). So impossible to launch debug mod. I just have access to global console.log http://www.lesgrosvilains.fr/temporaire/console.log Don't know if this can help.... |
bkf1 |
Nov 14 2015, 12:24 PM
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 5 Joined: 31-May 15 Member No.: 2,390 |
I have tryed r473 on DoDS v3029837 and when I click on "Create Server" and then on "Start" it CRASH without any error message
Nightc0re |
Nov 17 2015, 09:02 AM
Advanced Member Group: Moderator Posts: 58 Joined: 10-July 15 From: Austria Member No.: 2,397 |
New crash, same procedure: Server crashes as soon as someone is leaving a team or the server Try this version. I hopefully fixed it in this version, and if not, I have a really detailed stack-trace, if it happens again. I have tryed r473 on DoDS v3029837 and when I click on "Create Server" and then on "Start" it CRASH without any error message Also try the above version. You can also try to use the hookinfo from this post. Your rcbot2.vdf file should look like this: QUOTE "Metamod Plugin" { "alias" "rcbot2" "file" "addons/rcbot2/bin/RCBot2MetaDebug" "rcbot2path" "addons/rcbot2/" } |
bkf1 |
Nov 17 2015, 11:04 AM
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 5 Joined: 31-May 15 Member No.: 2,390 |
Nightc0re |
Nov 17 2015, 12:22 PM
Advanced Member Group: Moderator Posts: 58 Joined: 10-July 15 From: Austria Member No.: 2,397 |
Thanks but I have Windows 7 not Linux I will provide a nightly build this week (for Windows and Linux), in the mean time you can use Cheeseh's nightly build here. |
n0nnie |
Nov 19 2015, 10:22 AM
Member Group: Members Posts: 35 Joined: 27-October 14 Member No.: 2,361 |
Same crash again =(
www.uhu-minecraft.de/core I tried this Version http://www.mediafire.com/download/ikyay9t8...1.0_r480_fix.7z |
mnemonic76 |
Feb 21 2016, 11:48 PM
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 2 Joined: 21-February 16 Member No.: 2,446 |
[*] Rename the waypoints folder in your config folder to your "steamdir" name.
For example: "rcbot2/waypoints/team fortress 2" to "rcbot2/waypoints/tf2_server" [/list][size=3] My day of defeat source dedicated Server runs with rcbot2 but I get an in game message that says no waypoints My bot_mods.INI has Steamdir = serverfiles Gamedir = dod I believe the dir structure is the only part i have wrong. My directory structure is as follows: ~/serverfiles/dod Under the dod/addons directory is the rcbot2 dir from the install tar file. So complete path to /waypoints from the home directory is: ~/serverfiles/dod/addons/rcbot2/waypoints What do I have wrong keeping waypoints from loading? Map is dod_anzio and there is a dod_Anzio and dod_Anzio.cpd file in /waypoints/dod Please help! |
madmax2 |
Feb 22 2016, 03:20 AM
RCBot Guru Group: Waypointers Posts: 957 Joined: 2-March 12 From: USA, WA state Member No.: 2,162 |
Try this:
~/serverfiles/dod/addons/rcbot2/waypoints/serverfiles/dod (rcw files should be in this folder) And welcome... |
mnemonic76 |
Feb 22 2016, 10:28 PM
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 2 Joined: 21-February 16 Member No.: 2,446 |
Try this: ~/serverfiles/dod/addons/rcbot2/waypoints/serverfiles/dod (rcw files should be in this folder) And welcome... Thanks! It was two dumb things. I copied *.rcb and *.RCD but forgot the .rcw files! And the dod_anzio.rcw file needed to be renamed dod_Anzio.rcw.... Linux cares about the uppercase a. Finally working! Now to bind some server commands and get the maplist tweaked! Thanks to cheesh, nightc0re and all who have helped bring these bots to artificial life! mnemonic76 |
Mar 18 2016, 04:28 PM
Member Group: Members Posts: 46 Joined: 29-October 10 Member No.: 1,900 |
Got also with this Windows version, random chrashes....
Must say I didn't disable any plugins like : Dod-Exploit fixes or SMAC anybody got any experiances with chrashes on DODS ? With Version : V1.00 - R473 Can I upload a newer build or ar there people with custom better version or ideas? ? ? |
Cinibonswirl26 |
Feb 8 2017, 11:28 PM
Member Group: Members Posts: 24 Joined: 21-January 16 From: U.S.A Member No.: 2,441 |
Does this build still work on Linux?
Cinibonswirl26 |
Feb 9 2017, 02:05 AM
Member Group: Members Posts: 24 Joined: 21-January 16 From: U.S.A Member No.: 2,441 |
For the Linux build, custom loadouts for bots don't seem to be working. It runs for a little while then freezes
Okay so now it seems like all of a sudden that no other map is working except ctf_ maps. The game crashes instantly whenever you attempt to join a team. I don't know how to find the mstr_offset so I just deleted everything in hookinfo and used the .exe file Chesshhh made to get the latest offsets. |
NewBie |
Jan 21 2018, 04:35 PM
Member Group: Members Posts: 25 Joined: 12-August 14 Member No.: 2,349 |
Can't understand what could be the problem - when you do not let players on the server with bots . Prior to that, as if everything worked fine , and then downloaded the version for Linux 473 , filled set and did not let the players . By the way because of the version metamod if another , can be this ?
p.s. the most interesting is that before this set , everything worked, and now put something now does not want ) ===ADD================================================= I wanted to ask and what server commands are not desirable for RCbot2 ? Rather cause bugs and crashes the server ... |
Kammi_ |
Feb 20 2018, 09:32 AM
Newbie Group: Members Posts: 1 Joined: 20-February 18 Member No.: 2,532 |
ok i installed rcbot2 but i can't geht it working anyone an idea ?
CODE Level "dod_avalanche" has been loaded *** No waypoint visibility file *** *** Working out waypoint visibility information... *** [RCBot] file not found/opening error 'dod/addons/rcbot2/waypoints/serverfiles/dod/dod_avalanche.rcd' mode rb [RCBot] Folder 'dod/' already exists [RCBot] Folder 'dod/addons/' already exists [RCBot] Folder 'dod/addons/rcbot2/' already exists [RCBot] Folder 'dod/addons/rcbot2/waypoints/' already exists [RCBot] Folder 'dod/addons/rcbot2/waypoints/serverfiles/' already exists [RCBot] Folder 'dod/addons/rcbot2/waypoints/serverfiles/dod/' already exists [RCBot] failed to make folders for dod/addons/rcbot2/waypoints/serverfiles/dod/dod_avalanche.rcd CODE meta version Metamod:Source version 1.10.7-dev meta list Listing 6 plugins: [01] RCBot2 (1.00 (r473)) by Cheeseh, Nightc0re [02] SourceMod ( by AlliedModders LLC [03] SteamTools (0.10.0+b8565d3) by Asher "asherkin" Baker [04] SDK Tools ( by AlliedModders LLC [05] SDK Hooks ( by AlliedModders LLC [06] DHooks (2.1.1) by Dr!fter sm version SourceMod Version Information: SourceMod Version: in my waypoints folder CODE -rwxrwxrwx 1 cssserver cssserver 814 Feb 8 2013 dod_avalanche2.rcb -rwxrwxrwx 1 cssserver cssserver 814 Feb 8 2013 dod_avalanche3.rcb -rwxrwxrwx 1 cssserver cssserver 19K Oct 14 2015 dod_avalanche@night.rcw -rwxrwxrwx 1 cssserver cssserver 129K Feb 8 2013 dod_avalanche.rcv -rwxrwxrwx 1 cssserver cssserver 19K Oct 14 2015 dod_avalanche.rcw where can i get this file CODE dod_avalanche.rcd fixed with this http://rcbot.bots-united.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1994 |
RoboCop |
Feb 21 2018, 02:10 PM
RCBot Fan Group: Admin Posts: 192 Joined: 17-December 15 From: Dundee, Scotland Member No.: 2,435 |
Try this latest beta build recompiled by myself. This RCBot2 build is recompiled and uses the latest Metamod Source v1.10.7-dev-961 header files:-
http://rcbot.bots-united.com/forums/index....ost&p=14501 Also getting RCBot2 setup can be a complicated process. Also you don't need SteamTools Metamod addon as that is only for TF2. https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=170630 Did you also add RCBot2 into metaplugins.ini? It should look like this:- CODE ;********* LIST PLUGINS BELOW *********** addons/rcbot2/bin/RCBot2Meta And if I assume your main gameserver is named as /serverfiles where the /dod folder is inside /serverfiles like /serverfiles/dod, then your bot_mods.ini should work as long you have this typed up:- CODE # mod = DOD steamdir = serverfiles gamedir = dod bot = DOD weaponlist = DOD # But I am not the author of RCBot2 so you may need to double check in case I missed something out. |
NewBie |
Apr 9 2018, 08:20 AM
Member Group: Members Posts: 25 Joined: 12-August 14 Member No.: 2,349 |
And not someone who does not throw off the ready-made RCbot2 kit for Linux , and then he tortured them, like I put an official version, so the bots are already getting stuck like that. Adding waypoints even more.
Server Configuration v4014252 (Linux, Dedicated, Protocol 17) ,MetaMod:Source v1.10.7-devV, SourceMod v1.7.3-dev+5280 meta list : Listing 5 plugins: [01] SourceMod (1.7.3-dev+5280) by AlliedModders LLC [02] RCBot2 (1.00 (r473)) by Cheeseh, Nightc0re [03] Process Commands (1.0.3) by GoDtm666 (www.MyArena.ru) [04] SDK Tools (1.7.3-dev+5280) by AlliedModders LLC [05] SDK Hooks (1.7.3-dev+5280) by AlliedModders LLC 1. And still where now to take here these parameters runplayermove_dods_win = 418 runplayermove_dods_linux = 419 (interest figures). What is now all so for DOD: s Linux? And then maybe because of them all the same this happens. 2. And when creating vaypointov, sv_sheets what is all the same 0 or 1? 3. And I would like to know what is the exact order of entering the command for setting up and recording the waypoins for the bots, and then something like doing the correct but sometimes stupid bots. and stand still. I thought, maybe I'm doing something wrong - the order of entering commands or something else .. And I would like to know the order of command input. Here is a video from the game https://youtu.be/IkRcrwVxT4Y my list of meta and plugins on the server https://pastebin.com/aeHCyUGf log crash Error the server : QUOTE L 04/13/2018 - 11:06:11: "Bot01<3><BOT><>" connected, address "none" ./srcds_run: line 324: 26805 Segmentation fault $HL_CMD Fri Apr 13 11:06:11 MSK 2018: Server Quit CRASH: Fri Apr 13 11:06:11 MSK 2018 Fri Apr 13 11:06:11 MSK 2018: Server restart in 10 seconds and so on a circle .. with this set of plugins, like everything works. https://pastebin.com/wGMRfnzT added plugins res.smx,ratechecker.smx,roundevents_ex.smx,savechat.smx. But after capturing all the flags, the server goes into crash. I have a suspicion of these 2 plugins res.smx, rundevents_ex.smx.Which one of these plugins crashes the server or both, who exactly knows which one of them is crashing the server? It would be nice in the first message to write a list of forbidden plugins for rcbot2. Well, it's not clear why, I get an error, but on another server, on the same hosting, the same assembly rсbot2 for worked .. Now it works even not bad .. p.s. This behavior with and without Waypoints. Sometimes when you upload files, bots like working, and when the "live" player enters the server out of the box, it goes to the crash. And the fact that he was already suffering with them .. Added : I wanted to ask if you write plug-ins on the sourсemod or you can correct the AFK manager? And then I would not like a big add-on in the form of afk manager for bots, and then on some maps like the way there are some, 1-2-3 sometimes stand still .. With what it can be connected? And yet, how to off. bots through the config for the card, on which I do not want the bots to work? and Sorry my bad English !!! |
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