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Full Version: RCBot2 Waypointing tips (dodbits guide)
RCBot Forums > RCBot 2 for HL2 > RCbot2 > DOD:S
Hi all, I have a new article for waypointing on

I noted the manual (in the files that ship with rcbot2) isn't friendly for the new user.

I'm a "good" waypointer in Sturmbot so I had a go at a guide for RCBot2.
Note that others will assemble their sets differently, this is the way I do them, lots of ways I'm sure.

It is based on the keyboard bind set I have, others place the commands in the console, and I find the binds are far faster, to each his own.

This may help a mapper do their own map so they can promote it better.

There is also a YouTube playlist with 3 videos so far...

As much as I hate making videos, some like to learn that way so... hope that helps.

The binds I use in the video are here...
Thanks for the guides. Was able to get up to speed super quick and fix some waypoint bugs that were bugging (ha!) me. And going through the config stuff that doesn't apply and/or doesn't work with DoD:S saved my sanity as well smile.gif
QUOTE(DNA.styx @ Dec 18 2023, 07:45 AM) *

Thanks for the guides. Was able to get up to speed super quick and fix some waypoint bugs that were bugging (ha!) me. And going through the config stuff that doesn't apply and/or doesn't work with DoD:S saved my sanity as well smile.gif

Nice to know someone used it biggrin.gif

When I was making all of that... I thought no one is going to watch this.
I mean how many persons on the planet waypoint for RCBot2!!!!

Just on the config page... I updated that yesterday for the new items in version 1.51.

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