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Full Version: Something strange happened in my Listen Server
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Hey hey me again guys tongue.gif


I ran a Listen Server in Ns_Lost, open to clients to join (sv_lan 0). WBots 0.94b for Aliens, and RCBots (the latest rcbot_mm.dll) for Marines.

Note: I'm also running AMX and Admin Mod. I'll give details regarding those and their settings later.

People eventually joined (three humans, two in Marines and one in Aliens).

We played nice, everything was cool, until I noticed something strange going on with (or against ?) RCBots. They started to chat using sentences that are not into the chat.ini file. What I mean is...they started to say things I never wrote for them to say. It was created live during the gameplay, new sentences (and long ones) appearing each minute or so, sometimes longer.

I noticed, but also ignored that for the gameplay purposes. But one of the guy in Marines eventually stopped talking. No biggy here. But at a point, he entered the Comm chair, and he wouldn't spawn buildings or items. We asked him, but he did not answer us.

Eventually I decided to kick him, with a warning (play seriously on my server). It worked, and he got kicked. Just a few minutes after that, he came back, and said "hey sorry guys". I replied "ok it's cool". Then, he entered the Comm chair again, and....again, never talked anymore. Then I started to suspect him to actually create and "apply" the custom RCBot chatting...because when he quit, the "custom sentences" stopped, and started again when he came back.

Here is the worst part... dry.gif

About 2 minutes after he came back and moved in the Comm chair my game froze. The screen froze. No more sounds, no more movements possible. Then I tried to go back to the Desktop, but it didn't work. I tried Ctrl+Alt+Del...didn't work. So I had to reset my PC and boot it.

So, the point I'm trying to bring here it possible there is an "exploit" somewhere within RCBots files ? Exploit that could allow pretty much anyone (knowing what they're doing, that is) to "take control" of what's going on, or just "flood" or "overflow" servers and make them crash ? Because I highly suspect my server froze due to some sort of hacking or cracking.

You guys would surely ask for my AMX and Admin Mod settings, so, here they are...

; Menu configuration file
; File location: $moddir/addons/amx/config/configs.ini
; To use with Commands Menu plugin

; NOTE: By default in all settings the access level is set to "u".
; However you can change that, to limit the access to some settings.

; Commands Menu:
; < description > < command > < flags > < access level >
; "a" - execute from server console
; "b" - execute from admin console
; "c" - execute on all clients
; "d" - back to menu when executed

"PUBLIC Settings" "servercfgfile server.cfg;exec server.cfg" "a" "u"
"Clanbase" "exec clanbase.cfg;servercfgfile \'\'" "a" "u"
"Clanbase Charges Only" "exec clanbase_co.cfg;servercfgfile \'\'" "a" "u"
"Official CAL Match" "exec cal.cfg;servercfgfile \'\'" "a" "u"
"ProvingGrounds Server Config" "exec leagues/pg.cfg;servercfgfile \'\'" "a" "u"
"OGL CS Server Config" "exec ogl.cfg;servercfgfile \'\'" "a" "u"
"OGL CS FF Server Config" "exec ogl_ff.cfg;servercfgfile \'\'" "a" "u"
"OGL CS Advanced Server Config" "exec ogl_adv.cfg;servercfgfile \'\'" "a" "u"

; AMX Mod plugins

;To disable any plugin, add a semi-colon ';' to the beginning of its line

;You can disable the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler with the 'nojit' keyword:
;pluginname.amx nojit
;read the docs for more details)

;Note: you don't need to declare csstats.amx here (CSStats will load it)

;language.amx        ; language management
admin.amx          ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
;admin_mysql.amx    ; admin base - MySQL version (comment admin.amx)
;admincmd.amx        ; basic admin console commands
;adminhelp.amx      ; help command for admin console commands
;adminslots.amx      ; slot reservation
;menufront.amx      ; front-end for admin menus
;cmdmenu.amx        ; command menu (speech, settings)
;plmenu.amx          ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
;restmenu.amx        ; restrict weapons menu
;mapsmenu.amx        ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
antiflood.amx      ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
;adminchat.amx      ; console chat commands
;adminvote.amx      ; vote commands
;nextmap.amx        ; displays next map in mapcycle
;timeleft.amx        ; displays time left on map
;mapchooser.amx      ; allows to vote for next map
;scrollmsg.amx      ; displays a scrolling message
;imessage.amx        ; displays information messages
;welcomemsg.amx    ; console motd @ client connection (Hard to see in Steam)
;statsx.amx          ; stats on death or round end (CSStats Module required!)
;stats_logging.amx  ; weapons stats logging (CSStats Module required!)
;telemenu.amx        ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
;miscstats.amx      ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
;pausecfg.amx        ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
;statscfg.amx        ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands
;mapconfig.amx      ; executes custom map configuration files
;psychosounds.amx    ; allows custom sounds

;Add custom plugins below

Ok, and finally I'll add the fact that there is no AMX Modules running.

Now, the Admin Mod basic settings...

// (Note: For CVARS that are set to either "on" or "off," 0=off and 1=on) //
echo Executing Admin Mod config file

// Used by the TFC plugin only. If enabled, an attempt to switch
// teams will be rejected if it would unbalance the teams
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_balance_teams 0

// If you are using bots with admin mod you can set this to 1
// It will protect bots from receiving client commands which
// would crash your server.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_bot_protection 1

// This is the message displayed to everyone after connecting.
admin_connect_msg "Choose your destiny..."

// This controls the availability of weapon restriction in CS.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_cs_restrict 0

// This will produce debugging messages in your logs which can
// be used to troubleshoot problems. Not recommended for general use.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_debug 0

// Determines whether or not the fun commands are allowed by default.
// If not on by default, the admin can still turn it on when wanted.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_fun_mode 0

// Enable to get special effects with certain commands
// like teleport or slap.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_fx 0

// If enabled, people who are gagged (not allowed to "say") will be
// unable to change their name while gagged
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_gag_name 0

// If enabled, people who are gagged will not be able to use
// the say_team command.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_gag_sayteam 0

// Makes the admin with the highest access level the only admin in power.
// Example: if multiple admins are present, only the one with the highest
// access level will have admin access.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_highlander 1

// If admin_ignore_immunity is enabled, ACCESS_IMMUNITY is
// ignored and does nothing.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_ignore_immunity 0

// This file specifies which script plugins get loaded. 
// It should be relative from the <mod> directory
admin_plugin_file "addons/adminmod/config/plugin.ini"

// The time (in seconds) during which an admin can reconnect after
// disconnecting without resetting his password in the setinfo line.
admin_reconnect_timeout 300

// Message displayed to users who try to execute commands that
// they don't have the appropriate access rights for.
admin_reject_msg  "You do not have access to this command."

// How often, in seconds, the repeat_message should be shown on
// the screen during the game. Minimum value is 15 seconds.
// So, a value of 600 = 10 minutes between messages.
admin_repeat_freq 600

// Message that is show to everyone on the server every
// ten minutes by the message plugin.
admin_repeat_msg  "This server is using Admin Mod"

// The old verbosity.  Defines how commands are announced to the players
// clients in the form: "[ADMIN] <user> used command <command>"
// 0=all commands announced in chat with the admin name
// 1=all commands announced in chat, but without the admin name
// 2=most commands not announced at all (except "cheat" commands)
admin_quiet 0

// This file is used to store configuration data across maps
// and even across server restarts.
admin_vault_file  "addons/adminmod/config/vault.ini"

// If enabled, a hlds_ld-style map vote will automatically
// start five minutes before the end of a map.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
admin_vote_autostart 0

// If set to on status (1), when a vote is in progress all
// players will see the votes of other players as they vote.
// (0=disable, 1=enabled)
admin_vote_echo 0

// Number of seconds that must elapse after start of the map,
// or the end of another vote, before another hlds_ld-style
// map vote can be called.
admin_vote_freq 600

// Controls how many times the current map can be
// extended for thirty minutes
admin_vote_maxextend 0

// Percent of players who have to vote for a map to get it
// to win a hlds_ld-style map vote.
admin_vote_ratio 60

// Ability to make clients execute commands
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
allow_client_exec 0

// When set to 0, and debug is enabled, Admin Mod passwords
// will not be logged in cleartext.
amv_log_passwords 0

// Private server option. If enabled, only users listed in
// users_file or ips_file are allowed to access the server.
amv_private_server 0

// The message displayed to users who do not get granted
// access to a private server
amv_prvt_kick_message ""

// The time during which an admin can reconnect to the server into
// a *different* slot than before without losing his admin access rights.
// Maximum is 90 seconds.
amv_reconnect_time 0

// Defines the max time length in seconds of voting process.
amv_vote_duration 30

// Default access rights for players not in the users.ini file.
// (See documentation for access levels and information)
default_access 0

// Whether to use encrypted passwords or not.
// 0: disabled
// 1: encrypt using Unix crypt() (Linux ONLY)
// 2: encrypt using MD5 hash
// 3: encrypt using MySQL PASSWORD() (MySQL ONLY)
encrypt_password 0

// If enabled, the scripting file functions have read
// access to files
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
file_access_read 0

// If enabled, the scripting file functions have write
// access to files
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
file_access_write 0

// Declares priority IPs that are allowed to take a
// reserved spot (if any are set up) without a password.
ips_file 0

// Ratio of players who must vote 'yes' to a kick for
// it to be successful.
kick_ratio 80

// Ratio of players who must vote 'yes' to a map change
// for it to be successful.
map_ratio 80

// List of maps people are allowed to vote for. "" to disable.
// Disable to enable all maps and use list from mapcycle.txt.
maps_file ""

// The file (relative to the <mod> dir) that
// reserved models are loaded from. "" to disable.
models_file ""

// The message shown to someone who gets kicked for
// trying to use a reserved model.
models_kick_msg "[ADMIN] That model is reserved on this server."

// The message shown to someone who gets kicked for
// trying to use a reserved nickname.
nicks_kick_msg "[ADMIN] That name is reserved on this server."

// Password_field...first password of the setinfo line
// If password_field is "_pw-AdminMod", the setinfo will be
// setinfo "_pw-AdminMod" "password-in-users.ini"
password_field _pw-home

// If pretty_say is enabled, centersay() fades in
// and out and does some other tricks.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
pretty_say 1

// Controls how many (number) of the server's slots are reserved. 
// This is useful only if reserve_type, below, is either 0 or 2.
reserve_slots 0

// Custom message given to clients trying to connect who do not have
// a reserved slots, when no public slots are free
reserve_slots_msg "There are no reserved slots available on the server."

// This controls how reserve slots work on the server. See documentation.
reserve_type 0

// If enabled, names are compared to those who have privileges
// with regular expressions.
// (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
use_regex 0

// The file in which you define your admins, their passwords
// and the access levels that they are assigned to.
users_file "addons/adminmod/config/users.ini"

// The minimum number of seconds allowed between votes
// called with the vote() (admin_vote functions) scripting function.
// If 0 or disabled, the vote() scripting function is disabled.
vote_freq 180

// Location of word filter file. "" to disable, or something
// like "wordlist.txt" if enabled
words_file ""

// In this file you list the scripts you want to
// load. Use the path relative to the MOD directory
// e.g. cstrike for Counter-Strike.
// Lines beginning with "//" or "#" are commented out.
// That means that these scripts will not be loaded.

# addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_cheat.amx
# addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_CS.amx
# addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_TFC.amx
# addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_hldsld_mapvote.amx


The "level" from the above users.ini is 131071. That level gives all the rights to all the commands available. As many of you already know of course.

Finally... laugh.gif the last points I must talk about...

The "chatting" in my RCBots setting is set at "1", and the chat % is set at "5", it's well enough for me. And chat_dont_learn is set at "1" as well.

The only file I never applied changes to, is the bot_users.ini file, where, it seems, some sort of Admin/Control over them is possible, am I wrong ?

Well, anyway...

So, with all the details here, I'd like to know if you guys think the cause of the "custom chat" can be determined ? blink.gif

Is there anyone who never experienced such a thing ?

I'd appreciate some help, facts or comments.

Peace guys ! smile.gif

Yep me again.

I just learned a few things at

There seems to be a good number of exploits / bugs in N-S that can be "fixed" using specific AMX / Metamod plugins.

I haven't read all the posts nor seen all the available plugins, so I'm not sure which one in there I should get, because it looks like there's a few must have ones.

I got a question regarding the installation of AMX plugins. I know I need to add the plugin, in the plugin.ini file, and then add the .amx file in the plugin folder. But I just don't know what to do with the .sma file. Because there's just nowhere in the default amx folders with a .sma file, so it's a new kind of format, I don't know where to put it.

Well, to finish this post I'd like to ask, which plugins you guys consider must haves ?

Is it good to run Admin Mod and AMX at the same time ? Is it part of the problems I had mentioned in my first post ?

Please, I'd appreciate some help.

Peace ! biggrin.gif
The bots learn what humans say, Cheeseh incorporated this award-winning MegaHAL doohickey, so they start learning sentences, and then start re-wording them, and the longer you talk to it, the more humanlike its supposed to get. Even if they're not allowed to learn, theres a pretrain file that the bots use to set up their MegaHAL brains. They'll use that to start making sentences.

As for running Admin and AMX at the same time, so long as AMX is stripped down (I find AMX to be infinitately more crashy than adminmod, and adminmod has the randomassed potential to remove some random entity in the map until the next time its loaded...) but running concurrently, they seem to do fine. AdminMod doesn't quite have the control over the bots that AMX does, ie in AMX you can slay the bots.. but it's less problematic than AMX.

As for your crashing... well.. I dunno, I'm a hater of listen servers, so I don't ever use em... There's bound to be problems coming from listen servers supporting bots and players... I'd totally suggest just running the console server, and then joining it through the lan tab on the steam servers listing.
Sup LordSkitch.

Yeah it's true. Listen Servers are not very good. I'm hosting them but never really liked to do so. I just never knew how to join my own Dedicated Server.

And I learned that Ns_Lost (the map I was playing in when I had the problems mentioned in my first post) has a few bugs, with a potential to eventually crash a server or a client.

I went trought all the AMX, Metamod and Admin Mod plugins today, and I downloaded the best ones I could find. A few of them are actual bug fixes.

I got a problem though....

Those .SMA files, what do I do with em' ? All I know if they're supposed to be AMX plugins, but the thing is...the AMX plugins I currently have all are .AMX files, nothing else. I just add them in the plugins.ini, activate them and voila.

But there's a lot of AMX plugins I downloaded that came as .SMA files only. Even worst, some of them came with both format, with the same file name for both files.

The only thing I think I know now, is that .SMA files seem to be "un-compiled" .AMX files, in fact. But I might be wrong. So what do I do with them ? What happens to plugins that came with both file formats ?

Also...about Metamod plugins I downloaded...

Like the bugfix one for example. There's a bugfix.dll, a, and a folder named "src", and within that folder there's a bunch of others, including one named "metamod". The readme.txt tells to install it "the same way any Metamod plugins are installed". Pretty detailed installation manual isn't it ?

I know I need to put the .dll and the .so into the dll folder, and then activate it via Metamod's plugin.ini. I did so, and it seems to work. When I type meta list, in my console, it says bugfix plugin runs. Well, that's cool...but, what about all those other files and folders within the src folder that came with the download ? I mean...if they're useless they wouldn't have been included in the .RAR file in the first place hum ?

Well...I think that's all the questions I have for now.

Please, LordSkitch, or anyone else, I'd appreciate some help regarding these questions.

Thanks for your time all.

Peace smile.gif
The sma Files are files written in the c-Like Language "Small". The are uncompiled AMX-Plugins. With Amx you should have downloaded a compiler fpr them. I think it is in the scripting dir. (I have got a file called compile.bat, which executes sc.exe)
Play around with it, it shouldn't be so hard.

How to join your own dedicated Server?
Thats easy. Make sure you start hl.exe with console (Parameter -console).
Then start your dedicated server.
Then start hl.exe again.
Klick on the consolebutton in the main menu and enter in console:


The other way would be, you add your own IP in Internetgames and join the new (own) server.

The src dir contains normally the sourcecode. So you can check the bugs you've discovered and fix them...(e.g.)

HAHA, dedicated servers 101.

Steam has it's own dedicated server but it's in a different directory. Not like the good old days with won where both servers were in the same place. But in order to join your dedicated server which runs on the same PC, you have to change the dedicated servers port number.

Make a shortcut to dedicated server and add this to the end of the target line.
-console -port 27016

As for compliling amx plugins with amx 099? Copy the plugin.sma to your addons\amx\examples\source folder. Then go back to your addons\amx\examples folder and dubble click "compile.bat". Once it's complete, go to your addons\amx\examples\compiled folder and copy & paste the new plugin.amx to your addons\amx\plugins folder. Lastly, open your addons\amx\config\plugins.ini and add the new plugin.amx to the list.

If you have a problem compiling amx plugins then make sure you have all the required modules and include files needed for it.
Strange how the main subject in my first post eventually muted into stuff entirely related to plugins laugh.gif

Thanks SandmanSA and anonym001 for all the information.

I'm trying to compile (I'm using AMX 0.9.9), but it doesn't seem to work. I get an error message as follows:

My amx\examples\source contains one folder named default, and that's all. Is it supposed to be like that ?

What I did was...copy-paste one of my waypointsfix.sma (I'm using this as an example) into my \source folder. And then I ran the compile thing. And it showed me that error. My compiled folder remained empty.

Any help ? blink.gif
Yet something else I don't understand...

How do I set my Admin Access rights via my STEAM ID ?

I mean, I've followed the manuals to do so, and...well, actually I know how to. I just don't undersant why it doesn't work, and why my STEAM ID keeps changing...well sort of. Let me explain...

# Steam Ids


A Steam Id can either look like this STEAM_0:1234:56789, which is the word STEAM followed by an underscore, a number, a colon and a second number. Or it can look like so: STEAM_0:1234:56789, which is a second colon and a third number in addition to the format above. You enter the Steam ID exactly in the same format that you see when you use the "users" or "status" command in the server console.

The colons in the Steam Ids should not be 'escaped'. This is different from using colons in names (see above). Admin Mod will recognize that a Steam Id has been used in the users.ini field and will use the colons to recognize the correct format. Do not 'escape' the colons. As an example, using the example Ids from above a users.ini line with a Steam Id would look like the following:




See ? that's what the Admin Mod Online Help Manual tells me. That's cool I understand.

But there's one "problem" if I might say...

I needed to know my STEAM I joined a server, and typed "users". My STEAM ID looked like the following (Of course I'm using example numbers): STEAM_1:1:11111

That how it looks for me.

So, I open my users.ini file, enter the STEAM ID, my desired password, followed by my access rights code/number. And looks as follows: STEAM_1:1:11111:password:access number

Well...the thing is...when I, myself, create a Listen Server (yeah yeah I know I'll eventually try with a Dedicated one instead, let's just stick with Listen for now please), my STEAM ID changes to STEAM_ID_LAN, then if I type "sv_lan 0", it changes to STEAM_ID_PENDING.

So it obviously doesn't work, since my "real" STEAM ID has numbers, so I can't get access to anything. It's just then a mere and simple Listen Server running with a few plugins, with no control from no one at all.

By the way please note that I've also tried to leave the password area blank, since my STEAM ID is supposed to be unique, and acts as a password by itself as well. So I tried that, and it doesn't work.

So what am I missing here ? Is the Admin Mod authentication method done via STEAM ID's only working for Dedicated Servers ? I'm kind of lost usual dry.gif

Requiring some help, please. sad.gif
As for the strange crash on ns_lost, is it ns-b5 or b4? The b4 version is buged and unplayable.

Can you translate that compiler error message please? And it looks like your amx mod folder is incomplete. You may want to try downloading it again.

Now, to autherise yourself on your listenserver with AMX, you use "loopback" or your game handle instead of steamid. This is done in the addons\amx\config\users.ini.

BTW, if you want the waypointfix plugin, you will need install the latest ns2amx modual and include files. Those can also be found at

Ok, a little update.

SandmanSA, I'm using Natural-Selection Beta 5. I'm aware that the Beta 4 version of Ns_Lost had known bugs, that's about why it surprised me when it crashed (on my Beta 5). Never happened before. That's also why I said I was suspecting that guy, that he might have, somehow, overflowed or crashed my server (probably not due to the map itself).

And, sorry, my OS is in French, since I'm French Canadian myself. Oh and, by the way, sorry if my english isn't good. I'm trying about my best. Anyway that's just a detail laugh.gif

Translation of the error message: 1 Error. Press any key to continue...

BUT...but...I got rid of that Error somehow...not sure how I did it though huh.gif

All I know is...I was browsing through a lot of .INC files on and, replaced some of them, created a new one named ns2amx-fun. And that's within my amx\examples\include folder.

I've also downloaded a bugfix.dll and a waypointsfix.dll for Metamod. Also, I've replaced my admin.amx file with a new one taken from the forums at (well not into that site, but linked from that site, something like Djnet or something similar, I'd need to verify that again, It's in my Browser History for today's accessed sites for sure). And finally, I've downloaded a ns2amx_amx099.dll file that I needed to put into my modules folder, for Amxmod, plus, I've updated my users.ini file.

So, I think all these changes and additions finally helped and made it so I'm Admin and have access to all rights in both Amx Mod and Admin Mod now.

Well I just tried it with a Listen Server and it seemed to work.

There is still a little problem, though (duh !)...

Perhaps the name of the command is wrong, but...I can't seem to get a list of my activated AMX plugins. Is the command amx_plugin ? or amx_plugins or...?

Because the only thing I can type to see running modules and stuff is meta list, but that doesn't show me all the AMX plugins that I know are technically activated into my plugins.ini.

And, to end this post I'll mention a few things about the Amx Mod plugins I'm trying to get to work...

Well, in fact there's only one I can't get to work, and it is Armory Heal. I had two files when I downloaded that from One .SMA and one .AMX.

Now I know that .SMA files are the source codes, are the "un-compiled" form of .AMX files, to allow custom changes, thanks to you guys. I've always been mixed-up about those files until now.

Well, with that I had both files. I tried the .AMX that came with it right away, but it didn't work. Then I compiled the .SMA, applied the new .AMX, tried it, and it doesn't work. I started a game, built an Armory, upgraded it to Advanced, built other buildings just in case...and nothing. That new rotating-red-cross-health model thingy on to of the Armory was not there. So I presume it just doesn't work.

Do I need a seperate module to make it run ?

If only I knew how I could see which AMX plugins were running I could get a clear idea on that.

Oh and, before I forget, please someone answer this at all cost... laugh.gif

Is there any way to see if I am the Admin on AMX Mod via a console command ? Because right now the only way I can see I am is to type something like "amx_csay" (a command I know I gave myself if my Admin rights ever worked), and if the name itself of the command appears before I type it completely then it means it's activated.

Pretty cheap way to see if I am or not isn't it.

Well, in fact, I think what would be best to know is all available and existing AMX Mod console commands. Is there such a list somewhere ?

Well, thanks all, once again. Thanks for your time and support. This forum discussion definitely rocks biggrin.gif
Press any key to continue or no message at all, is the message you get after a successful compile of the .sma file with no errors!

lets say you compiled a sma called killall.sma by using the command sc killall.sma with the working directory as examples ( I think I got an error if sc.exe was in the source directory).
It will then put killall.amx into the examples directory. I'm sure 0.98 used to put it into the compiled directory but what the heck...

Have a mooch around and see if it has created an .amx file with the same name of the .sma file you were compiling wink.gif

I really couldn't answer why you crashed on ns_lost in beta5 because I can't play it either for more then a minute or two. The only thing I could guess is that you had cheats enabled or someone exploited the amxmod loopback command loophole. Meening other people can gain auth through amxmod IF steam hes not yet verifide them when joining a listenserver. All the more reason to use a dedicated server instead of a listenserver!

You said you got the ns2amx modual for amx099? Did you remember to declare it in both the addons\amx\config\moduals.ini and the addons\metamod\plugins.ini? Did you get all the latest ns2amx include files as well?
Did you get all the latest ns2amx include files as well?

Good question. Hum, well, how would I be able to know if I got all the "must have" ones or the "required / recommended" ones ?

Could you please provide a link where I could download .inc files SandmanSA ?

I'd really appreciate that.

And by the way, I still got some problems with my compiling of AMX Mod plugins.

It does work for just a few .sma files, but not for all the ones I have. I thought it did, but it doesn't since I recently tried with a new one (rmusic.sma). But please let's discuss the compiling problems in my Custom music thread. I already made a new post about this specific problem (I really, really want to at least make that one work properly).

Thanks ! biggrin.gif

Edit: Ok I've tried a search by myself on the web, to find the most recent .INC files I could. And eventually found a good number there:;O=A

SandmanSA, so I tell you that I've replaced and added the files from that link into my include folder.

I don't know what's that supposed to changed, technically, but my compiling still doesn't work for some of my plugins.
latest ns2amx modual This comes with the include files.

As to your not being able to compile some plugins with amx099..... Some plugins just won't compile using the sc.exe that comes with amx099. ( buggy I guess ) It has been suggested to compile with other versions of amx but compatability reasons forbid it. Allthough, amx093 and 094 plugins are 100% compatable with amx099 and have a more stable sc.exe. Those older versions don't support steam but are great just to use for compiling stubbern plugins.

If your running amx099 and need plugins compiled but can't do it then send me the sma file and I will compile it for you and include the moduals and include files required for the plugin to run.
Thanks SandmanSA biggrin.gif

Oh and, Happy Christmas to everyone ! smile.gif
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